Label Rebrand Design | Custom Illustration
Copper Kettle Can Series Rebrand
Label Redesign & Illustration
After 12 years in the brewing industry, Copper Kettle decided to rebrand their can labels for their flagship beers. This rebrand is vibrant and playful leaning into that animated style we at Norlo Design love to do. Animated copper colored kettles play on the brewery's name and take center stage doing a wide variety of activities. We wanted to evoke a sense of friendship and fun, the type of environment Copper Kettle strives to create and maintain.
This rebrand cements Copper Kettle in the vastly saturated brewing industry and creates brand recognition for the local and state wide beer connoisseurs. Brightly colored cans help guide the consumer to the style of beer while using the entire can's surface area for the design. Fully recyclable cans with exceptional printing that look sleek and professional. We love a package rebrand!
Client /
Copper Kettle Brewing Co.
Role /
Graphic Design +
Custom Illustration
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