Complex Packaging Design | Custom Illustration
Coffee Bag Packaging Series
Heady Cup Coffee Roasters
Heady Cup Coffee Roasters came to us as a start up roastery wanting to create a huge splash in their local community, and eventually nationally. New to the coffee scene, they knew they wanted something bold and bright to stand out amongst all of the competition.
With a name like Heady Cup, we knew we had to lean into that and really make this brand shine. They launched their shop with three blends and we decided each of them needed to have a unique look while also being cohesive to create brand recognition.
Each roast features its own animal and floral imagery. Vibrant colors and the use of metallic effects help enhance these exhilarating hand drawn illustrations that fit this brand perfectly. Flora and Fauna meet surrealism for an intricate design that encourages everyone to pick these bags off the shelf.
Client /
Heady Cup Coffee
Role /
Graphic Design +
Packaging +
Year /

Custom Front Panel Illustrations